Call of duty world war 2 beta two people cant join eachoither
Call of duty world war 2 beta two people cant join eachoither

We cannot and should not expect all art to conform to a checklist of politically correct (or morally pure) requirements, to fill quotas based on how many playable female characters are included, how many black or brown characters, how many trans characters. Reveal events like today's are the results of self-fulfilling prophecies brought about by a generation of online writers who care more about advocacy than criticism, and a vicious cycle that perpetuates online in forums and social media.įor one thing, this expectation is unreasonable to those creating art. One problem with expecting every game to be a certain percent diverse is that such an expectation is unfair to all sides. And judging by the attention Sledgehammer is paying to period firearms and the sounds they make, Call of Duty: WWII is all about preserving historical authenticity. It’s important to note that segregation was still very much enforced during the time period, including within the American military.

call of duty world war 2 beta two people cant join eachoither call of duty world war 2 beta two people cant join eachoither call of duty world war 2 beta two people cant join eachoither

Sledgehammer staffers’ repeated references to “brotherhood” also speak clearly to the fact this game will be told from a very traditional perspective.įrom what we saw and heard about this game today, that tradition doesn’t genuinely include brothers of other races, or brothers who don’t identify as male. It reads like a marketer’s checklist for suitable diversity, a roster of token characters that doesn’t acknowledge their experiences more than it pats the publisher on the back.

Call of duty world war 2 beta two people cant join eachoither